
Assignment #11

I edited this video with iMovie. I trimmed off around 30 seconds at the end of the video. Around the 5 second mark, I added a filter to make the video brighter and slowed down the video. At the 20 second mark, I removed the filter and increased the speed of the video. I also added an ending card at the end of the video.

Edited Video- Various Walks Around NY
Original Video- Various Walks Around NY

Assignment #10

The YouTube video below is a short video of some of the scenery during the walks I have been on. The trees are beautiful this time of year and I try my best to capture the beauty of my walks. This particular video was taken at Central Park and towards the end is a small section of a friend’s neighborhood during one of our walks. Hopefully this video will inspire you to go on a walk as well and enjoy the weather before it gets too cold! Happy Fall!!! #lbsci700


Assignment #9

Below is the image taken from google images.

Original Image

Below is the image edited.

I edited my image with Adobe Photoshop.

The Star Anise was moved from above the broccoli to below it.

The spatula was turned at an angle.

The fork was made smaller.

The entire image was cropped along the sides to be made smaller.

Edited Image